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Varanasi Yoga and Meditation

Varanasi revealed its identity as the grand centre of Indian philosophy, Ayurvedic methodologies, yoga & meditation and spiritualism. Yoga originated by Indian ancients and it have its theoretical existence in Hindus Holy Vedas “Geeta” and described as the connectivity medium of human body and soul. Yoga sustains balance and harmonizes body, emotions, mind and soul and its homogenous boundaries not only limited to the physical exercise like Asanas, Pranayams and sitting Mudras. Yoga connects the mind with soul and purifies mind & body through its mediation techniques and develops an eventual experience of cosmic perception.

Yoga and Meditation in Varanasi
Credit: Satheesh Nair

Yoga a four character word derived from the Sanskrit word “Yog” have the vast meaning in it means unity. Unity or joining is express in spiritualism as the medium of union that generates Shakti or power. Shiva a (supreme power and consciousness) refer as the central theme of yoga and according to the history Varanasi considered as the mediation destination of Shiva. Since the centuries yoga learning come under the Varanasi tradition till today and numerous traditional yoga ashram and Muths running at the religious destination. The feeling cannot be describes in words can only feel when first ray of light seems to be rise from the Ganges Ghats and meditation in the lap of Ganges open the senses of body and makes body ecstatic for the day.

Varanasi refers as the aged survivor place of the world and divine cultural capital of India. It’s Hindus belief that single dip in Ganges open the ways of Moksha (freedom from rebirth cycle) and Varanasi Ghats reflect the reality of life. It’s the place where initial step of Yoga starts from the morning boat ride in Ganges and during yoga training course you will visit Sarnath the Lord Buddha address place.

Score of Ashram and departments of Yoga, Ayurveda & meditation centre have opened in Varanasi and following are the old and famous centre of yoga, astrology and mediation.

Where score of Indians across the country and foreigners across the globe comes to learn the theoretical and practical tact’s of Yoga.

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