Festivals in Mizoram

Pawl Kut Festival in Mizoram

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Pawl Kul is one of another festival that is enjoyed on the lands of Mizoram with great joy, lots and lots of activities and merriments. The people residing on the grounds of Mizoram enjoy the festival with singing, dancing, ballet and many other activities that entertain the citizens during the period of this festival. For the citizens of Mizoram, this is more than a festival. It acts as a fiesta that is celebrated grandly and with joy all around. The festival is celebrated for two days with all the women and men dancing for the reason of good harvest in the field.

Pawl Kut Festival in Mizoram

The main motto of this merriment is to show gratitude to god for his guidance and support as the harvest of this year was amongst the successful one. Hunting and the food are the major part of this merriment. It is considered as an official off after the day of celebration of the Pawl Kut as a day of relaxation and rest. This day is termed as Eipuar Awm Ni.

Historical Traces

According to past evidences, the people of Mizos used to stay in the eastern region of the River Tiau. This river now gushes through Chin hills that are now situated on the border of Burma. As it is suggested in history, the people of Mizoram went through a bad phase and huge challenges as it did not rain for continuous three years and directly affected harvesting. The residence of Mizoram was helpless, they prayed to the God to get relief from this disaster that happened to their life and in their field. And the amazing thing happened was that it rained during that year, and the localities were successful in harvesting the crops. The point to mark was not only the harvesting of the crops is good but also the crops were in bounty.

The people in Mizoram were very happy that year because of the good harvest and plenty of crops. Since that year, the people of Mizoram celebrated this as a festival grandly and thanked god for his blessing during the hard times. This scenario had happened during the festival of the Pawl Kut festival and hence, till date it is fêted with great frolics and fun.


This harvest festive season of the Pawl Kut is feted with great fun and joy. People assemble together and arrange the events like singing, dancing, performing ballet and many such activities to entertain themselves. These festivals are very extensive, there are varieties of food prepared and great feast is provided to all and are prepared during the festivals to add glory to it. The meals consist of the eggs and the meat.

Before the festival begins there is a day appointed for the men especially for the purpose of hunting and fishing trips. It depends upon the capacity of the people and the family and accordingly the meal is prepared.

While all the men of the families are involved in hunting, the housewives are engaged in preparing the delicious and aromatic dishes for their families. The feast is mouth-watering. Preparing only the dishes for the families is not in their tradition; they make all the beautiful dishes and also share them with the neighbours, friends and the relatives. Also, the food is donated to the needy people. This is actually done by the youngest member of the family. In this celebration, the women and men equally contribute in drinking the beer made up of rice known as “Zu”. Zu is the sign of the richness of the family.


Cultural programs: Cultural programs are an important part of the festival, and include traditional dance and music performances by local artists. The performances are a great way to experience the local culture and traditions of the Mizoram tribe.

Processions: Colorful processions are organized on the streets during the festival, with people dressed in traditional costumes and carrying banners and flags. The processions are a great way to witness the local culture and traditions.

Sports events: A variety of sports events are organized during the festival, including football, volleyball, and tug of war. These events are open to all visitors and are a great way to participate in the festivities.

Art and craft fair: An art and craft fair is organized during the festival, showcasing local handicrafts, textiles, and artwork. Visitors can purchase souvenirs and gifts to take back home.

Folk dances: Folk dances such as Cheraw, which is a traditional bamboo dance, are performed during the festival. These dances are a great way to witness the local culture and traditions of the Mizoram tribe.

Period for Celebration

Pawl Kut is celebrated in December that is prior to the beginning of spring season.

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