Travel Tips

Skydiving Tips: 9 Things To Know Before You Go

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Adventurers and Thrillist are often looking up for activities that will offer them with the ultimate feeling of accomplishment. Most of the bucket listers, too, often add events with adventure at the core of them. Skydiving is one such activity that’s on the bucket list of many, and it is also the most shared experience. The popularity of Skydiving is also hyped by movies that have often shown it as the ultimate activity to experience something extreme and unique. It is absolutely important for people to get their facts right before going for Skydiving experience. Here are 9 essential things to know before you go for Skydiving. Mark our article for your bucket list research.

Things To Know Before You Go Skydiving

Although Skydiving could be a rewarding experience for a significant chunk of people who try it, there are a few things that one must know before going for it or adding it to their bucket. The experience of this activity gets many people hooked as they come back to do it again, while many get done and dusted with it after the first experience. In this article, we are going to reveal every essential point that one must think before packing their bags and heading to the Skydiving base. Check out the listicle – Things to know before you go for Skydiving.

Skydiving Base & Initial Setup

Skydiving Base & Initial Setup

For Skydiving, everyone head to a Skydiving center. Now, this center is huge, and in the USA, it is certified as a USPA – affiliated zone. When you enter the center, you are told about the drop zone and given a jumpsuit. This quirky piece of clothing helps in controlling the fall from the plane and also protects the jumper against the cold wind. However, in summer, this jumpsuit is more of an option for jumpers. Another thing you will get to know at the center is that you have to sign a liability release form that gives the summary of potential risks and safety concerns paired with the activity. The paramount bit in the entire gig comes when one takes the plunge from the airplane and falls amid the lap of the atmosphere. The last part of the activity involves opening a parachute.

Pre-Requisites of Skydiving

Pre-Requisites of Skydiving

Anyone over the age of eighteen years can do Skydiving. Yes, anyone who matches that criteria are eligible for the jump. However, pregnant women and patients of heart problems are advised not to do this activity. Other than these, there are no physical restrictions that would keep someone away from doing Skydiving. Even people with disabilities, such as paralysis, can also do Skydiving through some special types of equipment. So, yeah, there is not much holding you back from trying this adventure.

Carrying a Parachute is an Option

Carrying a Parachute is an Option

Yes, you read that right. There are two types of Skydiving – Accelerated Free Fall (AFF) or Tandem Free Fall (TFF). AFF requires a parachute as the jumper opens it themselves and do the landing. In contrast, the latter does not need a parachute for the jumper as they are already tied to the instructor who carries the entire drill and ensures a smooth landing. Most of the beginners choose TFF as it is done in a shorter time of training, while the AFF requires more training as the jumpers are trained for the landing.

The Risk of Getting Hurt is Pretty Low

The Risk of Getting Hurt is Pretty Low

When one thinks about doing Skydiving, they often feel the horror of landing without a parachute gripping them to the core. Although such thoughts are natural to pop in one’s minds, in reality, the chances of that happening is too damn low. According to the data, in the year 2015, out of 4.2 million AFF jumps, only 21 fatalities were reported i.e., 0.005 fatalities per 1,000 jumps. There are higher risks involved when you’re driving a car.

The reason behind such a low number of fatalities is the extra precaution taken by centers. Every Skydiver is given two parachutes, as a backup in case the one does not open. Also, the training sessions teach divers emergency drills and procedures. Even for the fatalities that do occur at some point every year, it is due to the human fault, not the equipment. Besides, TFF instructors are put through rigorous training to ensure safer dives. This is probably one of the most important points on the list of things to know before you go for Skydiving.

Keep Your Budget On Point

Keep Your Budget On Point

Skydiving does not come cheap. If you have it on your bucket list, then you must save for it in advance. Also, the pricing or rates for this activity differ from center to center. According to USPA, an AFF jump could cost anywhere around $300, while a TFF jump could cost up to $275. Sometimes, centers run early bird offers on the activity, so you may be able to get a better deal during those hours.

Plane Ride Up Will Make You Feel Comfy & Safe

The usual drill, before Skydiving, includes watching an informational set of videos and signing waivers. After that, divers would be taken to board the aircraft. Inside it, your instructor will make you put on Goggles and also strap your harness with his (for TFF diver). Also, it may be a bit awkward as after strapping the harness together, TFF divers would be sitting in the lap of the instructor.

Your Anticipation Will Keep Touching The Sky

Well, it does not happen every day for people to jump out of a moving airplane. It means that your anticipation for the fall is going to make your heart beat faster. Once your plane hits the accurate altitude (around 10K feet to 13K feet above ground), your instructor will take you the door and jump out within seconds. Those initial few seconds are going to be nerve-wracking for you. Another important entry on our list of things to know before you go for Skydiving.

The Freefall Will Get Easy Within Seconds of Leap

Skydiving is not like a roller coaster. You’ll feel peaceful after the initial few seconds of leaping. You won’t feel any stomach drops. What you will feel is the cold wind hitting your face. Initially, the ground will look small, and as you head towards it, the diameter gets shorter. Skydivers fall at the speed of 100 to 200 miles per hour, but it may vary as per the divers’ height and weight.

Let Go And Enjoy Your Air Time


Skydiving free fall lasts up to sixty seconds until you go for the landing and open the parachute (canopy). Also, if you have a plan to spend more seconds in the air, you will have to say that before making the jump. Because once you’re up in the air, your instructor won’t be able to listen to what you say. The standard time from jumping to landing is around five minutes, which makes it essential for the divers to enjoy it as much as they can and make memories. Your instructor may also indulge you in activities like making spinning or side to side fall. You can always give them a signal if it intensifies for you.

That brings us to the end of this article. If Skydiving is on your bucket list then we suggest you to consider each point before going ahead with the experience.

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